Impact of innovation on human training in health is discussed at conference

By Jordana Vieira – Ascom/LAIS

Picture: Cintia da Hora

During the second day of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Health, whose guiding theme is “Resilient Health Systems: The Social Impact of Innovation in Health”, simultaneous panels will take place from 9am to 11:30am. One of them will address the topic “Health Education: the impact of innovation on human formation in health” and will be mediated by Aline Pinho, researcher of the Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).

According to Aline, it is necessary to exchange innovative experiences and discuss this subject today because “health education needs to adapt to the needs and demands of current times. In this sense, innovation in teaching and learning methodologies, as well as the use of technological mediation, have been increasingly necessary,” she says.

In the panel on health education will be present researchers from around the world, invited especially to contribute to the discussion on the proposed theme. They are Cristina Pereira Vieira, professor at the Open University of Portugal; Leopoldo Sarli, professor at the University of Parma, in Italy, will speak on the theme “Situated Training in Digital Technologies in Education”; Rafael Silva, representing Tanzania, will tell his account of experience and human training in Tanzania. Among the Brazilian researchers will be: Alcindo Ferla, who will address the theme “Education and Health in the global context: contributions of innovative proposals”; Patrícia Bezerra will discuss “The production of educational resources, mediated by technology in human formation in health: innovative proposals and their contributions”; and finally Lyane Ramalho will present “Human formation in health: the PEPSUS case and its innovative proposal”.

Registration to participate in the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Health can be made through the link: